How to collaborate with us?
Collaboration with SEPIE
Can SEPIE organise activities without the need to sign an agreement beforehand?
Yes, in compliance with the functions of promoting internationalisation set out in its statutes, SEPIE is responsible for organising activities to disseminate the Spanish university system or meetings on opportunities for collaboration with foreign partners (such as delegations from other countries visiting Spain or staff from accredited embassies in Madrid).
Are there other ways of collaborating with SEPIE?
Yes, by signing general Protocols or Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), which are statements of intent with general content, which do not involve legal commitments.
Collaboration with universities
In accordance with its statutes, SEPIE will carry out actions that contribute to increased internationalisation of the Spanish university system. Thus, it promotes the strengthening of cooperative relationships in the university sphere and acts as a "point of contact" between foreign and Spanish higher education institutions.
If your institution is interested in collaborating with a Spanish university, please fill in this form so that SEPIE can contact the universities that best cater for your interests or have the required profile.
- Support and assistance for doubts concerning the Spanish University System and its internationalisation. - Contact telephone numbers
Tlf: (+34) 91 760 36 04
¿Preguntas sobre Internacionalización?
- Atención al ciudadano
- Newsletter SEPIE
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